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- [ASCII] Available for input and output.For
input this format specification corresponds to the SHORT
WITH WAVEFORMS-ASCII export format which is selectable from
the program GUI. NEV2lkit expects for input that these files have
the extension .asc
The first 4 lines contain general information:
- the sampling frequency (3000
in the upper figure means 30 kHz)
- the number of values which is saved for the signal
waveform of each spike
- the total number of electrodes/ active channels in
the file
- header information for the following data.
Each individual spike is exported in one line over several
- First column holds its unit identifier (e.g. 42.3 means
unit 3 recorded on electrode 42; the unit identifier ``0'' is
used for unsorted data)
- second column holds the time stamp (in seconds)
All other columns in the line hold the signal waveform
of the spike (in mV). If the SHORT format
was selected for export from NEV2lkit the 4 header lines and only
the first 2 columns (unit identifier and time) are stored in the saved
ASCII files.
- [NEV] Available for input and output. The
Neuronal EVent format. The specifications
for version 2.0 of this binary file format are available here.
For input NEV2lkit expects that these files have the extension
.nev . The program is able to read version 1 and
2 of this file format, but files are only saved according the version
2 specifications. A sample file (NEV2.0) is provided with the NEV2lkit
installation in the examples folder.
- [Surflab] Available for input only. A simple
ASCII based file format which might be easily used to adapt your data
for input. First line holds the number of active channels/electrodes
(equal to the number of data columns in the file), the second line
the sample frequency used (50000 means the
data entries are sampled at 50 kHz). Each of the following columns
represent a single recording electrode. Hence the continuous voltage
change on each electrode is stored in its individual column. NEV2lkit
expects for input that these files have the extension .lab
- [LabVIEW] Available for input only. ASCII
based file format which can be written from LabVIEW using some of LabVIEW's Virtual Instruments (VI). NEV2lkit
expects for input that this files have the extension .lvm
Files in this format hold data of up to 16 channel each acquired
at an individual sampling frequency. If like to know more about this
format and how it is generated from Labview feel free contact u.
Part of the NEV2lkit Documentation - 2004©M.Bongard, D.Micol 25.09.2004