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NEV2lkit is a preprocessor for the analysis of intra- or extracellular neuronal recordings (or any kind of event which occurs in a time window up to 4 ms). It was designed to fulfill some specific purposes:

  1. Load continuous data files in various ASCII based formats and extract spike events from these data streams.
  2. Open and save Neural Event files (NEV).
  3. Sort extracted or opened spikes based on their signal waveform into units. This sorting is done using PCA.
  4. Save spike timestamps, unit information and according spike signals into ASCII or NEV files.
  5. Cross-platform usability (Linux, MacOSX and Windows)
The program is written in C++ and uses Trolltech's Qt framework for the graphical user interface and in part the QWT library for the 2D data plotting. Clustering is based on the KlustaKwik program.

Part of the NEV2lkit Documentation - 2004©M.Bongard, D.Micol 25.09.2004