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Up: The NEV2lkit GUI
Previous: The NEV2lkit GUI
The program menu offers access using the mouse to some specific
program function like:
- open single data files (the format of the file can be defined
via a pop-up menu in the the Open-Dialog).
- close the actual opened data file without saving.
- convert all files within a folder to NEV2 files. NEV2lkit
recognizes whether the existing files are in ASCII or NEV1 format. Each file is opened, the root mean square of the signals
recorded on an individual electrode/input channel is calculated, an
upper and lower threshold is individually set, and all events which
are crossing these threshold are extracted and stored with the GUI
defined time base for events (1, 1.6, 2 or 4 ms).
- sort all units in all NEV files in the selected directory.
The assignment of units is done cross experiments. As a result the
same unit on an electrode has, if the exist, exactly the same unit
label in all selected experiments. Sorted data is stored into new
NEV2 files using the naming scheme original name_sorted.nev.
- quit the program
- display the ABOUT NEV2LKIT window
Part of the NEV2lkit Documentation - 2004©M.Bongard, D.Micol 25.09.2004