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Last step of the unit sorting is the clustering of the data. NEV2lkit uses KlustaKwik, a program for unsupervised classification of multidimensional continuous data. KlustaKwik delivers among others: fit a mixture of Gaussians with unconstrained covariance matrices, chooses automatically the number of mixture components, and runs fast on large data sets. KlustaKwik is based on the classification expectation maximization algorithm of Celeux and Govaert [CEM].

Definable parameters for the clustering process in the NEV2lkit GUI are:

Configuration graphical user interface

All other parameters which are known in the standalone version of KlustaKwik program can be edited in the source code of NEV2lkit.

Part of the NEV2lkit Documentation - 2004©M.Bongard, D.Micol 25.09.2004