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upData Plotting

data plotting graphical user interface

This part of the NEV2lkit GUI allows to plot the recorded or extracted spike signals over time. After opening a file the data of a chosen channel is displayed (see 2. Configuration). If the data is already sorted it is possible to plot all events of a specific unit within this window. Subsets of the data can be selected be adjusting a lower and upper thresholds using the corresponding slider widget on the left and right.

As a matter of principle a widget in the NEV2lkit GUI which was selected with the mouse, can be operated as long as it is active using the arrow keys on the keyboard of your computer. This comes particularly handy if one wants to move through 100 channels of a file, or to move between different units on one electrode.

Part of the NEV2lkit Documentation - 2004©M.Bongard, D.Micol 25.09.2004